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Galangal, Galanga Root, Galingale:
A rhizome with a hot, ginger-peppery flavor, galangal is used primarily as a seasoning. Popular in Thai cooking this creamy white-fleshed rhizome is often used as a substitute for ginger. Greater galangal also know as Laos gonger, siamese ginger and thai ginger is best known and most popular. Laos, is the name of the powdered form of greater galangal and is slightly more intense than the fresh. Lesser galangal has orange flesh and is much stronger.

A presentation process whereby the appearance, flavor and texture of a dish is enhanced with edible decorations.

Transparent protein, made from animal bones and tissue, which melts in hot liquid and forms a jelly when cold. Used for sweet and savoury dishes.

Clarified butter made from the milk of the water buffalo.

Liquid measure equal to 1 pint or 5 fluid oz.

French for glazed or frozen, such as Marrons Glacé. It can also refer to the frosting on a cake or frozen desserts or drinks.

Glacé de Viande:
This is a highly concentrated brown meat jelly, which is used in many sauces. Making it is something which no one but a skilled chef would, or should, undertake. It can be bought in jars and is usually called meat glaze or meat extract.

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To cover with a glossy coating, such as melted and somewhat diluted jelly for fruit desserts.

A simple sugar (monosaccharide) that the body converts directly into energy; blood levels of glucose are regulated by several hormones, including insulin.

The commercial name for glycerol, a colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid - chemically, an alcohol - obtained from fats and oils and used to retain moisture and add sweetness to food. It also helps prevent sugar crystalization in foods like candy. Outside the world of food, glycerin is used in soap, candles, cosmetics, inks and certain glues.

See Glycerin.

A form of glucose stored in the liver and muscles, which is converted back into glucose when needed.

Small dumplings made from semolina, potatoes or pastry.

To shave food into small shreds using a grater.

A Hungarian dish originally of beef and onion stew favoured with paprika and tomato.

Gram (g):
A metric unit of weight; one gram is equal to 1,000mg. There are 28.4g to an ounce.

Granulated Sugar:
Regular processed sugar prepare from cane sugar.

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Any sweet or savory dish baked or broiled so its topping forms a golden crust.

1. Juices exuded by roasted meat and poultry. 2. A sauce made from these juices by boiling with stock or wine, and sometimes thickened with flour.

Green Sauce:
This is a sauce, known in it's native Genoe, Italy as pesto. It is made by mixing two cups of blanced basil leaves with a cup of grated Parmesan cheese, a mashed clove of garlic, and a quarter cup of pine nuts, then gradually adding olive oil, beating constantly with a fork, until the desired thickness is reached. Then a dash of milk is added and the sauce is served over spaghetti or noodles.

De-husked grain. Usually refers to oats, sometimes milled.

Guess Cake:
A cake to be given as a prize i a guessing contest.

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