Christmas Around the World
A Spanish Christmas
Jan 6th
Roscón de Reyes
Brioche des Rois con frutas confitadas.El roscón de Reyes, rosca de Reyes o rosco de Reyes es un pan dulce festivo de forma anular, adornado con rodajas de fruta cristalizada (escarchada) o confitada de colores variados, que se come en España y otros países hispanos —principalmente México— que se suele tomar el día 6 de enero, el día de Reyes. Se puede servir en el desayuno o en la merienda.
El origen del roscón no tiene nada que ver con la llegada de los Reyes Magos a Belén para adorar al niño, sino que parece estar relacionado con las saturnales romanas, éstas que no eran más que fiestas dedicadas al dios Saturno con el objeto de que el pueblo romano en general pudieran celebrar los días más largos que empezaban a venir tras el solsticio de invierno. Para estos festejos se elaboraban unas tortas redondas hechas con higos, dátiles y miel, que se repartía por igual entre los plebeyos y esclavos.
Ya en el siglo III, en el interior del dulce se introducía una haba seca y el afortunado al que le tocaba era nombrado rey de reyes durante un corto periodo de tiempo establecido de antemano.
Felipe V importó de Francia a España esta tradición del roscón que allí se conocía como "Galette des rois" ("Galleta o pan de los Reyes Magos"), para culminar las fiestas navideñas. El pastel estaba cubierto de frutas escarchadas y tenía escondido en su interior una pequeña sorpresa, a veces de gran lujo y valor. Curiosamente esta torta es famosa en la cocina lusa como "Bolo de Rei" y aunque no es igual en ingredientes la costumbre sí.
500 g de harina
40 g de levadura de panadero
1,5 decilitro de leche
3 huevos
120 g de mantequilla
10 g de sal
frutas escarchadas
100 g de azúcar
1 cucharada de ron
1 cucharada de agua de azahar
ralladura de naranja y limón
Se prepara una masa con la levadura y con la mitad hytde la harina y 1 decilitro de leche tíbia. Con todo ello se amasa hasta que se hace una bola y se tapa con un paño con la intención de dejar reposar. No olvidarse de que debe ser un lugar cálido y sin corrientes (suele servir un radiador).
Aparte se baten los huevos con la mantequilla derretida, ron, sal, azúcar, 50 mililitros de leche, agua de azahar y ralladura de frutas escarchadas. Se une a la harina restante y se amasa lo suficiente. A todo esto se le incorpora la masa anterior que estaba reposando. Se amasa todo junto enérgicamente hasta conseguir una masa fina y elástica. Se forma una bola, se pone en un recipìente, se tapa de nuevo (por segunda vez) con un paño y se repite la operación de reposo durante tres horas, hasta que llegue a doblar su tamaño. Tras este tiempo de reposo se amasa ligeramente. Se pone en la bandeja del horno engrasada, se le da forma de corona, primero enrollándola y luego juntando las puntas. Se tapa con un paño y se deja subir (crecer) otras dos horas. Se pinta con huevo batido y finalmente se adorna con frutas escarchadas, se introduce la sorpresa (puede ser un haba o una pequeña joya) y se mete al horno previamente calentado, a una temperatura media-fuerte, durante unos 40 minutos.
Servir el Roscón
El Roscón de Reyes original (o clásico) no suele llevar ningún acompañamiento o ingrediente añadido pero desde hace unos años se les suele servir con cremas o con chocolate en su interior, y suele contener de tres a cuatro regalos u obsequios y un haba. La tradición dice que aquel que reciba el trozo de roscón con el haba deberá pagar el roscón.
Ringcake of Kings
Brioche give Rois with fruits sweetened.the ringcake of Kings, thread of Kings or doughnut of Kings is a loaf of festive sweet bread of form to annul, adorned with slices of fruit crystallized (frosted) or sweetened of various colors, that is eaten in Spain and other Hispanic countries —chiefly Mexico— that January 6 is used to taking itself, the day of Kings. It can be served in the breakfast or in the afternoon snack.
The origin of the ringcake has nothing to do with the arrival of the Kings Magicians to Bethlehem to worship the boy, but seems to be related to the Roman Saturnalia, these that were not more than festivals dedicated to the God Saturn for the purpose that the Roman town in general could celebrate the most long days than they began to come after the winter solstice. For these feasts they devised some cakes round facts with figs, dates and honey, that was distributed equally between the plebeian and slaves.
Already in the century III, in the interior of the candy a dry bean was introduced and the fortunate one to which touched was named him king of kings during a short period of time established beforehand.
Felipe V imported from France to Spain this tradition of the ringcake that there was known like "Galette give rois" ("Cracker or bread of the Kings Magicians"), to culminate the Christmas festivals. The cake was covered with fruits frosted and had hidden in its interior a small surprise, at times of great luxury and value. Curiously this cake is famous in the Portuguese kitchen as "Tenpin of Rei" and although is not equal in ingredients the custom yes.
500 g of flour
40 g of baker's yeast
1,5 deciliter of milk
3 eggs
120 g of butter
10 g of salt fruits frosted
100 g of sugar
1 spoonful of ron (rum, optional) 1 orange grating orange blossom water spoonful and lemon
A mass with the yeast and with the half is prepared hytde the flour and 1 deciliter of milk tíbia. With all it is kneaded until is done a ball and covers itself with a cloth with the intention to leave to rest. Be not forgot that should be a hot place and without currents (is used to serving a radiator).
Aside the eggs with the butter melted are beaten, ron (rum), salt, sugar, 50 milliliters of milk, water of orange blossom and grating of fruits frosted. It joins with the remaining flour and the sufficient thing is kneaded. To all this him is incorporated the previous mass that was resting. It is kneaded all at once energetically until obtaining an elastic and fine mass. A ball is formed, is put in a recipìente, covers itself again (for the second time) with a cloth and the operation of rest is repeated for three hours, until come to double its size. After this time of rest is kneaded slightly. It is put in the tray of the oven greased, him is given form of crown, first rolling up and then joining the tips. It covers itself with a cloth and is left to rise (to grow) other two hours. It is painted with egg batter and finally is adorned with fruits frosted, the surprise is introduced (can be a bean or a small jewel) and is put to the oven previously heated, to an average-strong temperature, during some 40 minutes.
Serving the Ringcake
The Ringcake of original Kings (or classical) is used to carrying no accompaniment or ingredient added but since some years ago is used to serving with creams or with chocolate in its interior, and is used to containing from three to four gifts or gift and a bean. The tradition says that that that receive the piece of ringcake with the bean should pay the ringcake.
