This July 4th!
On July 4th, 1776 things were real tense between the 13 American Colonies and Britain. After this fateful day, many have died for Freedoms call. Not much has changed, except on this July 4th, we are fighting side by side with soldiers (our brothers and sisters)
from England. And now we are fighting for Freedom in another part of the world. Some want this, but others don't. These others that don't want Peace or Freedom want everyone to live in bondage and squalor. Does modern woman or man want to live in bondage and squalor? No!
This July 4th, forces of Freedom all over the world will be battling a menace that believes women should
be forced to hide and not speak. (Women from around the world should suppress this outrageous way of life that these individuals want them to live in). That living in squalor is a blessing, that killing innocents will get them to heaven. These are words and actions of cowards. Yes, I said cowards. I will not try to understand them.
Countries like France and Spain have already turned tail and ran. Did France learn anything from World Wars 1 and 2? And Spain after terrorizing the world for centuries they are given a taste of there own medicine and what do they do? They abandon Peace and fall to the cowards, how shameful. Once dignified countries now nothing more than
scared children. We are all scared. None of us want the next war that is sure to come. That would be the nuclear war. These individuals lack the maturity to be diplomatic, they hide behind guns, bombs and children.
Remember the soldiers (our sisters and brothers) this July 4th. They are fighting to help you from living in squalid conditions.
The civilized countries of the world have fought to get to where we are now. It is vital that we do not allow these cowards to end our ways of life.
I do agree that parts of our way of life i.e., sex, alcohol, drugs and swearing aren't liked by most places, but they aren't even liked by our own citizens. This is where the greed has come in. Freedom of speech should not mean we have to hear the crap on the radio and tv, and
our livelihood be undermined by punks in the street. What else do we do?
Right now we need to keep from becoming like Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Palistine. If we allow this to happen, we are as guilty as the cowards. Is that how you want to be remembered?
We also need to remember and fight for Americans like Nick Berg who was beheaded by these cowards. Everyones way of life is in jeopardy if you allow these cowards to get away with all this death. Look around in the world, who is the real reason for all the anguish? You will find that that reason will fall onto a religion that is not Christian.
It is a cowards religion developed by cowards and blindly followed by cowards.
Independence Day will soon be celebrated around the world. It will be when the cowards are taken care of and both women and men will be free.
This rant is by John Sutton
