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The Cooking Inn : Herbs, Spices, Oils & Flavorings Z Page Select a name from the list to go to it's site

Zahtar (Mid Eastern Spice):
50 gm (2 oz) sesame seeds
25 gm (1 oz) ground sumac
25 gm (1 oz) powdered dried thyme

An aromatic mixture from North Africa, which is also found in Turkey and Jordan.
Dry roast the sesame seeds over a medium heat for a few minutes, stirring frequently. Allow to cool, then mix with the sumac and thyme. Stored in an airtight jar, the blend will keep for 3-4 months.

Uses: It is sprinkled on meatballs or vegetables, and used as a dip. it can be mixed to a paste with olive oil and spread on bread before baking..

Zedoary Root:
First brought from the East in the 6th century, zedoary was considered a great antidote by the Arab physicians. It is used in cordials and liquers, and in the middle ages was often a culinary ingredient. It is perhaps most notable for being the spice whose name has the most variant spellings. It show up in forms from the original Arabic 'djedwar' through 'zedoar' to 'zeduale' to 'citoval' to 'setwall' to 'cetewale' to 'citouart' (I've counted over fifty forms). It's the likeliest candidate for that 'mystery spice' in the old recipe you are trying to decipher.

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